This page contains all known information about Helly Hansens model A-62 gas mask.

The History of the A-62 Model
The A62 was the second model to be produced by Helly Hansen. This basically an improved version of the previous mask, the A-59. The mask was mainly made for the Civilian population and the civil defence. The A-62 model was the first known model to be delivered to different parts of Norwegian industry. The only confirmed location is the Norwegian postal service.

Helly Hansen - Model A-62
This model is quite similar to the previous A-59 model, but the main difference is the exhale valve. The A-62 uses the AH-filters and is equipped with a simple 6-point harness with a "hook" function on the lowest strap to the right. The A-62s oral nasal cup is completely transparent and is kept in place by a small "sticks", which goes from each filter insert to keep the oral nasal cup in place.

The Manual
The Manual for the A-62, much like other manuals containted detailed drawing of the mask which also pointed out each component of the mask.
This specific manual was made for the Norwegian Civil Defence, as seen on the top of the page.
Filter - AH
The A-62 used two small filters made from sardine cans. The mask used two identical filters on each side of the mask. The filters was kept in place with a simple grey rubber band around the "tread". This made it fairly easy to switch filters.
The filters was very lightweight, which was perfect for a civilian mask. Theses filters went by the designation "AH-filters".

The carrier
The carrier for the A-62 consisted of one simple room for the mask and a small pocket on the inside for the manual. The carrier seen in the photo to the left is the most common carrier for the A-62, but it has also been seen with the box shaped carrier that was issued with the A-59.
The carrier is made out of grey PVC and has a simple carrying strap which can be adjusted. The carrier can be closed with a simple velcro patch.